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'Disabled game accessibility' is active… Surprise survey will also be announced

[ Park Yeo-jin reporter] Policy support discussions to improve access to the use of disabled games are becoming more active. 'Game Accessibility' is to support anyone's desired game regardless of disability, and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Ministry of Culture) begins with the priority. According to the game industry on the 4th, the Korea Creative Content Agency (Director CHO Hyundai, hereinafter referred to as Antonin) under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism plans to announce the basic research on improving the accessibility of the disabled game by early next year. It is intended to establish a policy of policy mouth by identifying cases of major games with disabilities. The Korea E-Sports Federation is in charge of consignment for the disabled, with a total of 90 million won. Antonin has recently paid attention to the disabled through the game-related forum. Antonin plans to host the Game culture forum on the theme of 'G-Star 2022', which will...

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