Guild Wars 2 will be on Steam to celebrate its tenth anniversary

Arennet has published the video you have on these lines to announce the launch of Guild Wars 2 in Steam on the occasion of its tenth anniversary. The game that redefined the MMORPGS, in his own words, will be published on the Valve platform next Tuesday, August 23.

Almost ten years have passed since the launch of Guild Wars 2 on August 28, 2012, when he reached computers through Windows and Mac, although so far it could only be played through his own client. With its arrival to Steam will keep the Free-To-Play model in the basic version of the game, respecting the changes they implemented in their model back in 2015.

We know that Steam's new users can play on the same servers as those who use the original customer. Of course, those who want to add to Guild Wars 2 will have a few pending expansions will have to get the complete collection; counting that the same price is respected as on its official website, it will be priced at € 99.99.


In the official statement of the Valve page, by the way, they have also confirmed that they have activated the Twitch Drops, this function that will be giving us some exclusive armor and attire to see streamers play the title of Arennet between 23 and 28 of August.

Guild Wars 2 has delighted more than 16 million players for a decade with their business model without subscription, their epic collaborative meetings with open-world bosses and its revolutionary assembly system, explains Kendall Boyd, Vice President of Marketing of NCSOFT West «With the launch in Steam, a new audience of players who have never had the opportunity to venture with us can experience one of the greatest fantasy worlds in video games. Everyone in NCSoft and Arenanet is excited to welcome our incredible community ».
