The Cycle: Frontier Veltecite For The Masses Quest Guide

In The Cycle: Frontier you will encounter the quest Veltezite for the masses, where you will need to collect several details and help the queen build a veltektic scanning module. You are going to help the queen to build this super-convenient scanning module, because veltecitis is used to power all types of engines at the Prospekt station, and the ability to easily detect and process it will be a great help.

In this leadership, we will lead you through the full quest Veltecite for the Masses in The Cycle: Frontier and explain how to effectively complete the task.

Cycle: Frontier Veltecite for mass

Veltecite You must collect several things, and then deliver them to the queen at the Prospekt station to perform a quest and get a Veltecite scan module.

Start with the collection ( 3) to cleanse veltecites from different veltezite veins around the reservoirs, and if you have problems with their search, use the modified mineral scanner.

Then collect several (5) optical glasses that can be seen scattered through random cabinets and other places. Finding it on the map will not be difficult, as this is a very common item.

Finally, you need to collect (5) printed circuit boards that can be easily found on tables, cabinets and racks, and which have constant places of appearance around various POIs oriented on technology.

Veltecite for the Masses Quest Rewards

As soon as you collect all these objects, you will be rewarded as follows:

  • 130 points
  • 2 queens script
  • 5800 crypto-masses

And when delivering these materials, the quest will be fulfilled to the queen, and you will receive veltezite scanning module.

This quest was quite simple, and we hope that this leadership will help you smooth out any misunderstandings that you had.


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