Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, locations of the diced of the little

All the locations of the diced of the little Tina’s Wonderlands

To be as effective as possible in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, we have made a complete card of the little diced for you with clearly visible locations. A number is associated with them so that you can discover in detail below in the article How to get them easily.

All dice positions

1 under the staircase

This die is not really hidden and is under the stairs on the central platform.

2 Invisible platforms

To reach the area of this die, approach the void to reveal platforms.

3 under the bridge

This well hidden dice is in the bridge, to reach it easily you can get around it on the left.

4 a little corner

It is easily easy to miss this die, it is in a corner below a small wooden platform.

5 de l'Obélisque

This die is not really hidden and is next to the obelisk in the area.


This dice is in height on a small suspended wooden platform.


To reach this dice, jump on the cable with blue Vein on the right of the image.

8 de height

Visible thanks to its golden glow, you will find this dice in height on a wooden platform.

9 dice below the platform

This die is very easily accessible below a large platform.

All the scrolls of the little Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

1 parchment in evidence

This parchment is on a wooden box in evidence.

2 parchment of the bridge

To access this parchment, go through the right of the point to discover a small passage.

3 Parchment of Obelisk

You will find this parchment just before the entrance to the obelisk area.

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - All 260 Lucky Dice Locations - Campaign Challenge

4 parchment of the tightrope walker

To reach this parchment, jump on the cable with blue Vein on the left of the image.

Location of pearls and other points of interest from the oasis of the sun

1 challenge of 3 parchments

The challenge altar is highlighted as soon as the main area entrance.

Activating it reveals platforms that you will have to find in a time allocated, otherwise you have to start all over again.


This obelisk is quite easily found after discovery of parchment number 3.

1 pearl hidden below

This pearl is just below the platform where there are distributors.

2 lava pearl

This pearl is in a molten lava tray directly on your right after entering the building.

100% of the dice of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Congratulations, you just found all the dice and scrolls of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands by finishing the Peuramid!

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