Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Locations of the Destroyed Tomb Butte

Discover all the locations of the dice and scrolls of the tomb's mound destroyed in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. They are very important to increase your chance to acquire legendary weapons!

All Tiny Tina's Wonderlands dice slots

To be the most effective possible we realized for you a complete card of the tomb's hilltte cries with visible property locations. A number associated with them for you to discover in detail below in the article how to get them easily.

All dice positions

1 the departure home

From the entrance of the area just behind the distributors' house hides a die.

To reach it you have to break the wooden barrier with your body to body.

2 one die in the cemetery

In the right cemetery after the entrance is an easily accessible die.

3 a die in a grave

In a grave in a cemetery is a die. It's easy to find on behalf of where to look.

4 hidden behind a grave

A dice hides in height behind a grave. Go up to him is not complicated.

5 The lake die

To see this die you can walk in the lake and return you to the game area.

6 one die before the entrance of the castle

This die is before the entrance of the castle on the left. A small path leads easily.

7 die of the castle

This easily accessible die is behind a wooden barrier that you can break with your body to body.

8 hidden from crates

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - Easiest Way To Farm Legendaries (Tiny Tinas Wonderland Legendary Farm)

To reach this die, do not enter the underground but go up the right just before.

A panel with yellow paint tells you that you can mount (see next die).

9 the die of the height

Just before the entrance of the underground it is possible to go up to access a great path.

Once mounted Look directly on your left, a dear hides.

10 a height perched

Continue the dice path 8 and 9 to reach a place with broken wood paths.

In height on the left is a new die.

11 die of the hammer trap

Once entered into the underground, a trap swinging a hammer hides a die in the depression of the wall.

12 a last easy dice

With a location in a very easily visible corner on the map, this will not cause you any problems.

Discover all our items Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

This article dedicated to dice locations of the tomb's mounds destroyed in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is now over.

Discover our full class guide to better prepare your adventure.


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